Professionally Driven with Jarod Bormann

Join Cory Camp, Sibme’s Director of Professional Learning, for a conversation with Jarod Bormann, author of Professionally Driven: Empower Every Educator to Redefine PD. Cory and Jarod discuss practices teachers and teams can start today to redefine professional...

Micro-teaching and PLC+ with Fisher and Frey

Fisher and Frey have a lot to say about professional learning communities. And trust us, you want to hear their thoughts. Their innovative new system for designing communities focused on professional learning (and not just calling your department meeting a...

Be a Builder with Dr. Robyn Jackson

      Watch Now Get on-demand access to a special webinar with Dr. Robyn Jackson, author of Never Underestimate your Teachers: Instructional Leadership for Excellence in Every Classroom   Learn how to: Replace “best practices” with actual...

Transforming School Culture with Anthony Muhammad

    “The school’s most valuable resource is the human resource, and its the one they invest in the least.” Watch On Demand in the Sibme Learning Center   This webinar with Dr. Anthony Muhammad, author of Time for Change: Four Essential...

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