I am a literacy teacher educator and have dedicated my career to building teacher expertise. More than ever, our students deserve teachers who understand how literacy develops, have strong content and pedagogical...
Districts around the country are trying to measure the impact of instructional coaching on teacher effectiveness and student performance. While the correlation between teacher quality and student outcomes has long been proven, there have been few studies which...
“Impact Now: How Principals Can Use Video-Enhanced Instructional Coaching to Grow Teachers and Raise Student Achievement” Watch now in the Sibme Learning Center In this webinar, Dr. Tonya Goree, popular speaker and...
Structuring Teacher Self Reflection for a successful experience Dr. Barbara Bishop of West Georgia RESA joined us for a short conversation about her experience using Sibme to support teachers across the region served by the RESA. Teacher self reflection is a powerful...
Personalized Learning for Teachers: 10 Steps to Success Everyone agrees that personalized learning is the best way to improve outcomes for students. Most teachers are pressured to differentiate instruction in their classrooms. So why is professional development still...