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Sibme Notes: Instructional Coaching Conferences using Video

Instructional Coaching Conferences – Impact Now Webinar

Part 5 of our 9-Part webinar with Dr. Tonya Goree was an outstanding discussion about the importance of instructional coaching conferences that have a maximum impact. Dr. Goree discussed the transition from coaching cycle 2, where teachers drive the coaching conference, to coaching cycle 3, where the coach has more say in goals and timeline.

This is part 5 in a 9-part series. Get access to all 9 videos in once place by clicking on the button below!

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Here’s an overview of the conversation.

There are no shortcuts to excellence

Allyson and Dr. Goree discussed the path to excellence that she has used to raise student test scores by DOUBLE DIGITS in three years.

Video-Enhanced coaching has helped Francone Elementary:

  • Raise Math and Science scores by more than 30%
  • Raise Reading scores by more than 25%
  • Raise Writing scores by nearly 35%
  • Reduce behavioral referrals by 68%
  • Reduce classroom disruptions decreased 90%
  • Reduce teacher turnover by 92%

Eliminate Growth Plans

One of the questions asked of Dr. Goree was whether Heavy Coaching, which she described in this webinar, should be reserved for teachers on a growth plan. Dr. Goree pointed out that, because of Heavy Coaching, she has prevented putting teachers on a growth plan each year. In fact, Dr. Goree told a story about one teacher who struggled in her first year teaching at Francone, participated in Heavy Coaching, and is now one of the strongest teachers on campus. This proactive approach identifies teachers who need additional support early on.

What is Heavy Coaching?

Heavy coaching is not a fancy process. It simply means that a teacher participates in more coaching cycles than other teachers on campus. This coaching involves:

  • Using video footage to identify areas for growth and identify goals for the teacher
  • Identifying best practices to help the teacher meet the goals
  • Recording video of the teacher implementing the best practices
  • A post-observation conference where the coach and teacher review the video footage and evaluate progress towards the goal

Of course, this is a cycle, which means that, once the post-observation conference takes place, the teacher and coach go back to step one. This cycle normally takes place two times a year. When a teacher is identified for Heavy Coaching, this cycle happens more frequently, with teachers going through the cycle as much as once a week.

Who does the recording?

This depends on the circumstance. In some cases, the teachers record themselves and share video of themselves. In fact, Dr. Goree mentioned that some teachers even proactively record video of themselves and share the footage with their coach without being asked.

However, frequently, the coach does an observation in person and uses the Synced Notes feature. Allyson demonstrated the Synced Notes feature for webinar participants and many said it was the most exciting part of the webinar. To see Synced Notes in action, click here.  

The transition from Coaching Cycle 2 to Coaching Cycle 3

Dr. Goree lastly explained the difference between Coaching Cycle 2 and Coaching Cycle 3. In Coaching Cycle 2, the teacher uses the video they recorded during the self-reflection phase of the year to identify areas of need for themselves and set goals for the coaching cycle. Additionally, the teacher gets to choose when their coach will their lesson will be recorded in the Sibme platform. During Coaching Cycle 3, the coach sets the goals for the cycle. This goal is based on the observation done during Coaching Cycle 2. The coach also sets a window of time where they will come in and record video of the teacher. However, the teacher does not know exactly when they will be observed. However, because of the trust built during Coaching Cycle 2, Dr. Goree says it is not difficult to get the teacher to be open to observation.


This webinar series is intended for principals and school leaders who want to implement video-enhanced coaching in the 2017-2018 school year using the Sibme platform. Each webinar in the series is designed to show principals and school leaders how to complete the work they will need to attend to in the month that follows the webinar.  Ultimately, Dr. Goree will share the process that she uses to ensure that every teacher in her building participates in a minimum of 3 coaching cycles.


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