A Better Way to Ask Questions about Texts
On a recent classroom visit, I overheard a teacher asking the question, “Why did Brent decide to try to commit suicide?” The class was reading the book Whirligig, and the teacher was pushing students to understand the main character’s motivation in narrative texts....
Video-enhanced professional development
Is video-enhanced professional development worth the risk? Seen Magazine - Fall issue 2014 I had three years of public school teaching under my belt when I learned the importance of professional development. For me, the lesson came in the form of a shared classroom...
Summer School at Sibme
Most educators know that technology is just one variable in making video-enhanced professional learning work effectively. We look forward to the day when our users don’t have to think about the technology, so they can spend most of their time on the teaching and...
Lesson Study 2.0
The Japanese have blessed American culture with some amazing additions--sushi, origami, and karaoke, to name a few. Here at Sibme, we love Japanese imports. Aside from the obvious: sushi, karaoke, Toyota, origami, and Sony, we’re also enthusiastic fans of a less...
Video: a powerful observation and development tool
Throughout my 9 years in the classroom, I’ve worked with some incredible educators who have been instrumental in my development as a professional educator. Unfortunately, I rarely have time to pop into classrooms and see how they deliver instruction and interact with...