What Our Partners Say About Us?
“In my 15 years as an administrator, nothing has been more impactful for improving classroom instruction than video coaching. The coaching process coupled with the use of the Sibme platform improves what happens in the classroom by providing teachers the opportunity to see classroom practices through the same lens as the instructional coach. The results of this process benefit the academic performance of all students.”
Watch Video Case Study: Schools Make Big Gains with Video CoachingCase Study: Francone Elementary

Francone Elementary School (TX)
“The Sibme video sharing platform helps facilitate an important and continuous dialogue about instructional practice in our Alternative Teacher Certification Program.”
Diana Gomez
Coordinator of Mentoring,
Pasadena ISD (TX)
“Schools spend thousands of dollars on staff development each year, with little or no follow through or proof of implementation. Our campus uses Sibme to facilitate the implementation of staff development using a peer coaching/collaboration model. We will never turn back to the old ways of delivering and implementing new learning to our teachers!”
Becky Koop
Principal, Smith Middle School, Cypress Fairbanks ISD (TX)
“Houston ISD is the largest school district in Texas and the seventh largest school district in the US. Finding a way to provide meaningful and effective feedback to teachers in a district as large as ours is an ongoing challenge. We believe that teacher leaders are the solution to that challenge. Sibme affords us the opportunity to connect teachers across a wide geographic area and monitor their growth at scale. Sibme’s user-friendly platform makes it possible for teachers to collaborate and share effective teaching in seconds, which has made a huge difference in our teacher leaders’ impact.”
Gail McGee
Senior Manager, Teacher Career Development, Houston ISD
“I use Sibme to coach my student teachers in their final semester as graduate students earning their Masters in the Art of Teaching. Considering the student teaching semester is the culminating experience, Sibme allows my students and I to collaboratively work together and identify areas of weaknesses and strengths, which ultimately allows for more effective feedback. Sibme also connects the students to multiple classrooms, with all students sharing in the experiences of each other and seeing not only the successes but also the multiple ways to implement lessons.”
Dr. Matthew McConn
Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Education, SUNY Binghamton (NY)
“Teachers are improving instructional strategies and delivery. Students are participating. I see happier kids who are passionate about coming to school.”
Case Study: Schools Make Big Gains with Video Coaching
James Payne
Principal, Liberty Point Elementary
“Sibme enables me to use digitally recorded lessons to be more efficient and intentional with my instructional coaching as I foster reflective practice with teachers.”
Julie Scarlato
Education Consultant, Hamilton County Education Service Center (OH)
“As a Virtual Coach, I build relationships and teacher capacity with weekly coaching calls. Recently, I found a tool that allows me to watch videos of my teachers in action. Now, with the Sibme web and mobile platform, I am able to build capacity by effectively blending coaching calls with time-stamped feedback on teacher-submitted video clips-making every moment a teachable moment.”
Kelly Garris
Virtual Instructional Coach, Canton (MI)
“Sibme’s video coaching platform is without question the best way to manage coaching relationships at scale, within a school or across great distances. It’s what I use with my coaching clients, and what I recommend to schools, districts, and agencies seeking to make their coaching efforts more systematic and impactful!”
Justin Baeder
Director, The Principal Center