Sibme’s intuitive, interactive platform is compatible with any instructional coaching process, whether your school or district has adopted Knight’s “High-Impact Instruction,” Marzano’s “Art and Science of Teaching,” Aguilar’s “The Art of Coaching: Effective Strategies for School Transformation,” Lemov’s “Teach Like a Champion, Saphier, Haley-Speca, and Gower’s “The Skillful Teacher,” or others. Our coaching Huddles provide a safe and secure space to nurture growth and hone teachers’ classroom skills.
All lesson segments can be organized and categorized based on the focus of the observation from your checklist of evidence-based practices. The segments can be stored for further reflection and/or shared privately with the observed teacher along with discussion questions and time-stamp feedback.
Teachers can control the videotaping process using their own iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, or Android. Capture only what you want to model, upload to Sibme, and quickly share the whole video lesson or use our video editor to clip specific segments. Pair with related resources in our secure Huddles to share with peers.
Sibme PLC Huddles enable teachers within a certain grade-level or content area to film a lesson, strategy, or skill to share with their team to facilitate reflection and conversation. PLC Huddles also provide a safe space to conduct blended lesson studies with your PLC throughout the school year. By using Sibme, your PLCs won’t be limited to a common planning period, and you can keep track of your progress!
The “problem of practice” can be added to each Huddle description. Observations pertaining to that focus can be organized, stored, annotated, and discussed with the instructional leadership team during team debriefs. Enhancing this process with technology can provide a clear picture of reality in your school system and accelerate your goal of improving teaching and learning in your school district.
Huddles allow mentors to upload, organize, and store recorded classroom lessons and related resources to model strategies for their mentee. In turn, mentees can upload and share recorded classroom lessons with their mentor and receive time-stamped feedback on their teaching.