Sibme Product Updates July 2019

Sibme Software Updates: July 2019   We’ve got some awesome updates coming to Sibme over the next couple of months. Starting July 15th, you’ll notice some new and exciting changes on the web and mobile versions of Sibme. These include:   Videos + Resources = Artifacts:...

Sibme Missions and Micro PD

  Learn from innovative school leaders Dion Rivera and Letty Roman as they discuss ways to build bite-sized PD challenges that drive meaningful teacher growth! Watch Now! Jarod Bormann hosts and discusses questions such as… How do you create a...

Sibme Named SIIA CODiE Award Finalist

HOUSTON, TX (May 1, 2019) Sibme, a software company changing the way that people learn at work, today announced that their fully-integrated web- and mobile-platform was named a 2019 SIIA CODiE Award finalist in the Best Professional Learning Solution for Faculty &...

Teacher Leadership that Beats the Odds

Watch this short conversation with three teacher leaders to hear about their experience with using Sibme to exceed expectations for student growth and achievement on their campus. Learn how job-embedded, collaborative, teacher-driven professional development has made...

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