Instructional Focus + Video = Professional Learning Success: Instructional Coaching Strategies that work
If You Really Want to Grow Your Teachers, Video is the Secret Sauce to Success: Instructional Coaching Strategies that work It Only Took 25 Years I had been in education (teaching and leading) for 25 years when it finally happened. Success! What is success? Success is...
Announcing new Sibme features for 2016-17 school year!
We’re excited to announce many new features for the 2016-17 school year! Sibme has always been a user-friendly tool for sharing and commenting on video; however, this year we’ve launched new features to help schools, institutions, and education-related...
3 ways to identify teachers who are drowning
3 ways to identify teachers who are drowning --and the best way to rescue them Lifeguards—the really good ones-- have learned to scan the water to look for two things: swimmers whose behavior is so reckless it could endanger others and swimmers who are struggling and...
3 reasons for Sibme’s Instructional Virtual Coaching
3 Reasons Sibme’s Instructional Virtual Coaching Offers Powerful Support for Struggling Teachers I know why we are surprised—even unprepared when it happens. It’s because we were pro-active! At the beginning of the summer, we used a team of the school’s finest to...
Why I Coach My “Future” Teachers with Video
3 Reasons Why I Coach My “Future” Teachers with Video After 30 years teaching in public schools, and another five as a national educational consultant traveling the country, I thought that my best teaching days were behind me. Not so. For the past couple of years, I...