Habitual Teaching
In my 11th grade AP Euro course, each class would begin with an oral review of the previous nights’ reading. I had my notebook open to pages of outlined facts as I waited anxiously for Mr. Hoffman to call on me. Clipboard in hand, he paced the room methodically and...
Making sense of User status when using Sibme.
In case you’re wondering why we designed and developed the Sibme application to accommodate two different levels of Users, it’s because not every school, educational organization, or institution is ready to allow their employees to have all permissions and privileges...
What makes a great school?
The NY Times published a fantastic article on the Union City Public School District last weekend. You can read it here. The article discussed the potential for UC schools to be a model for improving underachieving school districts around the country. Most salient was...
The Power of Affection
I love Cesar Millan. Even before I adopted my dog, Orbit, I was a devoted Dog Whisperer aficionado. If you’ve never seen his show, stop reading and go find it on Netflix or Amazon. Basically, Cesar takes out-of-control dogs, and flips them into well-behaved household...
A lesson in life – step into my office…you’re fired!
A few years back, I wanted to develop a student project in my senior economics classes that truly embodied a multidisciplinary approach to learning. I wanted a project that would demonstrate all the skills students had developed throughout their 13+ years of...