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Habitual Teaching

In my 11th grade AP Euro course, each class would begin with an oral review of the previous nights’ reading. I had my notebook open to pages of outlined facts as I waited anxiously for Mr. Hoffman to call on me. Clipboard in hand, he paced the room methodically and...

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What makes a great school?

The NY Times published a fantastic article on the Union City Public School District last weekend. You can read it here. The article discussed the potential for UC schools to be a model for improving underachieving school districts around the country. Most salient was...

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The Power of Affection

I love Cesar Millan. Even before I adopted my dog, Orbit, I was a devoted Dog Whisperer aficionado. If you’ve never seen his show, stop reading and go find it on Netflix or Amazon. Basically, Cesar takes out-of-control dogs, and flips them into well-behaved household...

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