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Assessment Huddles

Assessment huddles give users the opportunity to provide quantitative and qualitative feedback to users on the performance captured in videos. Admins, Super Admins, and Account Owners can create Assessment Huddles for groups of users to be assessed on a task.

The person assigned as the assessor in each Huddle can upload an exemplar video to the Assessment Huddle that will be viewable to any user in the Huddle. The Assessor can then set a deadline for all users in the Assessment Huddle to submit a video of themselves. Users in the Huddle will be able to view their own video, but not videos submitted by any other assessed user in the Huddle. Assessors can track submissions and provide feedback and performance ratings based on a predetermined rubric.

Users being assessed will be able to see their own feedback and performance rating, but not feedback or performance rating for other assessed users.  Users being assessed will only be able to submit one video per Assessment Huddle but can delete and resubmit videos until the deadline has passed. After the deadline, only the Assessor can grant access to a user being assessed to resubmit a video for assessment.

The Assessment Tracker makes it easy for Assessors in each Assessment Huddle to see all video submissions in one dashboard. From the Assessment Tracker, you can see who has submitted a video for assessment, who is late, and who still needs to submit. You’re also able to track on time feedback from assessors in the Assessment Tracker to make sure users being assessed get timely feedback on their submissions.  The Assessment Tracker keeps you organized and makes sure no one gets lost in the shuffle.

Assessment Huddles are great for Colleges and Universities, Teacher Prep programs, and other organizations that wish to provide quantitative feedback or grades to students and interns based on their performance in the classroom. Field supervisors can set up Assessment Huddles and easily collect videos of interns in classrooms for feedback and scoring. Assessment Huddles also give the option to schools and institutions to do appraisals entirely on our platform, making it easy to keep track of observations and provide summative ratings on our mobile app or website.

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