Teacher Self Reflection Using Video: Frequently Asked Questions
Teacher Self Reflection Using Video Dr. Tonya Goree recently presented "Seeing it Clearly: Videotaping for Self-Reflection and Instructional Coaching" at the ASCD Conference in Anaheim, CA. Susanne Leslie from Learners Edge attended the session because of her interest...
Sibme Introduction for Higher Education Students
Sibme Introduction for Higher Education Students We're so happy you're joining Sibme's universe of educators focused on making every moment a teachable moment! We want to do everything we can to guarantee your success using Sibme's multi-platform software solution....

Instructional Coaching Strategies Using Video: 4 Keys to starting right
Instructional Coaching Strategies for using Video Instructional Coaching Strategies are key to the success of any Instructional Coach and school leader. Enhance your existing instructional coaching strategies by using video to show a clearer picture of the classroom....
4 things to do when perception meets reality
When perception meets reality, real change begins. In part 2 of our 9 part webinar series, Dr. Tonya Goree of Francone Elementary School said that using video evidence to coach teachers was "where perception meets reality."...
Create a Custom User Hierarchy in your Sibme Account
Our new, four-level user hierarchy gives you more power to customize the structure of your Sibme account to meet the individual needs of your program. We can help you build the right user infrastructure for your account and make sure that everyone can collaborate...