SibmeNotes: Using Video for Self-Reflection and Professional Development
Part 2 of our 9-part webinar series was August 1st. During the webinar Dr. Tonya Goree from Francone Elementary School discussed the ways in which she used Sibme’s video-coaching platform to guide teachers through the process of self-reflection as a first step in professional development. This low-effort, high-impact strategy is a great way to get teachers comfortable with seeing themselves on video while simultaneously improving their effectiveness in the classroom.
Impact Now: How Principals Can Use Video-Enhanced Coaching to Grow Teachers and Raise Student Achievement
How Principals Can Use Video-Enhanced Coaching to Grow Teachers and Raise Student Achievement This is part 1 in a 9-part series. Get access to all 9 videos in once place by clicking on the button below! [button link=""...
4 reasons why instructional leaders avoid using video to grow teachers
By Allyson Burnett I have been working with an increasing number of schools that are using video to enhance the professional learning of their teachers. These innovative leaders of schools hold some common beliefs around the use of video: Teachers are self-reflective...
Sibme launches Kickstarter campaign
Team of former teachers creates innovative gadget to modernize teacher coaching, student learning Kickstarter campaign to fund production and fulfillment A team of former teachers and education technology entrepreneurs is launching a Kickstarter campaign for their...
Why a Teacher who is “good enough” is not good enough– and the one action a principal can take to intervene
“I was hired to be the instructional leader of the building, but I am really more of a fireman,” said a friend and third-year principal during a quick chat the other day. She continued, “I want to get into classrooms; I want to help ‘grow’ some teachers who need to...