How about teacher development before evaluation?
Speaking at an education conference a few weeks ago, Chancellor Dennis Walcott (of the NYC Department of Education) said, “I believe that children have an unlimited capacity to learn.” I love attending education conferences. Aside from the amazing workshops (scored a...
Technology in schools doesn’t have to suck
I’ve been introduced to a lot of new technology throughout my teaching career. Usually, it’s sold as a silver bullet or quick-fix for the problems teachers and administrators face in schools. While Smart Boards, 360° cameras, and super-duper machine-learning software...
Ask Students About Their Shoes
A simple method for getting students to calm down and reflect on their behavior A few weeks back I was observing a third grade teacher’s reading mini-lesson. Despite this teacher’s faculty in managing her large class, the little boy in front of me was on a mission to...
Sibme is live!
After several years of ideating and many months of doing (designing, building, testing, redesigning and rebuilding, etc), we’re finally launching the beta version of our software, Sibme. We were hoping to launch in the wake of a salacious military love-pentagon and...