Getting Started with Video Enhanced PLCs

Put the C in your PLC Get On-Demand Access to this webinar with teachers, coaches, and school leaders in Rio Rancho Public Schools (NM). Hear from teachers to learn how they have “humanized” their PLCs by increasing the frequency of interaction, having...

Coaching Teachers in Difficult Times…like DEVOLSON

DEVOLSON or the Dark Evil Vortex of Late September October and November is a popular (or infamous) phenomenon amongst teachers. Ellen Moir, founder of the New Teacher Center, surveyed thousands of teachers on their sentiment about teaching throughout the year. What...

Learner Centered Leadership

Join us for a conversation with Randy Zeigenfuss and Lynn Fuini-Hetten to learn how innovative districts are putting learners at the center of student and teacher growth. Asking teachers and leaders to transform their practice from school-centered to learner-centered...

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