The Ultimate Guide to Blended and Virtual Instructional Coaching

There are lots of instructional coaching resources out there. Over the years, we’ve compiled many of those resources and developed some of our own. This guide focuses on blended and virtual instructional coaching resources, but even if your work is all in-person and live, there are lots of resources here for you!
The guide is divided into three main sections based on content-format. Click on the links below to go directly to the table of contents for each section.
Instructional Coaching Courses in the Sibme Learning Center
Instructional Coaching Courses in the Sibme Learning Center
These longer-form courses are available for free in the Sibme Learning Center. Each course can be completed in whole or in part and contains templates, guides, and checklists in addition to top-rated instructional content on each topic.
Click on the links below to scroll to the description for each course and to access the course itself.
Instructional Coaching Blog Posts and Videos
This list of blogs and on-demand videos has a wealth of information from experts in the instructional coaching fields. Our blog authors and video hosts range from top authors and researchers to highly successful instructional coaches and educators. Each brings a unique perspective that will help you improve your instructional coaching skills.
Click on the links below to scroll to the description for each course and to access the course itself.
3 Reasons In-person Observations Don’t Work
3 ways to identify teachers who are drowning
4 Instructional Coaching Strategies–Harvard CEPR recommends video enhanced coaching
4 reasons why instructional leaders avoid using video to grow teachers
Does Instructional Coaching Have an Impact?
Instructional Coaching Cycles: What’s the right Choice?
Instructional Coaching Strategies to Change the Conversation – Sibme Hap-E-Hour
Instructional Coaching Strategies Using Video: 4 Keys to starting right
Instructional coaching that is Swift, Consistent, Strategic – and Virtual
Jim Knight Instructional Coaching Conference Takeaways: Video is Key
Jim Knight’s tips for getting out of the Zero Learning Zone
Teachers: a strategy for getting students to calm down.
The Power and Possibilities for Using Video in Teacher Preparation
Virtual Coaching with Kelley Garris
Why I Coach My “Future” Teachers with Video
From Start to Finish: How Instructional Coaches can use the Goal Gradient Hypothesis
Coaching Teachers in Difficult Times…like DEVOLSON
Instructional Coaching Strategies: Collaborative Inquiry Cycles
Impact Now Webinar 9 – “It’s About Time” for instructional coaching with video
Alisa Simeral On-Demand Webinar
Dr. Tonya Goree + Sibme – Recorded Webinar
How Coaches are Using Video to Affect Student Success
Impact Now: Instructional Coaching with Video Part 6
Literacy Coaching: Transforming Teaching and Learning with Digital Tools and Technology
On Demand Webinar: Everyday Instructional Coaching with Nathan Lang Raad
Sibme Notes: Instructional Coaching Conferences using Video
Sibme Notes: Instructional Coaching feedback using video
Sibme Notes: Instructional Coaching Pre-Conferences using video
Teacher Self-Reflection and Motivating Growth: On Demand Webinar with DIY Coaching Boston
Instructional Coaching Podcast: Sibme Coach Replay Show
The Sibme Coach Replay Show is a weekly video series available on all of our Social Media channels (@SibmeApp). In these short videos, Cory Camp, Sibme’s Director of Virtual Learning, interviews Sibme Virtual Coaches on a variety of instructional coaching topics and strategies. Sibme Virtual Coaches are university faculty, retired and in-service educators from around the world who provide real-time coaching to teachers in a virtual environment. They apply their expertise to a variety topics in this series. Check back often to see new topics, or just link, follow, or subscribe to us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or YouTube to get updates weekly!
Click on the links below to scroll to the description for each course and to access the course itself.
Sibme Coach Replay Episode 1: Making Every Minute Matter
Sibme Coach Replay Show Episode 2: Strong Starts and High Expectations
Sibme Coach Replay Episode 3: Supporting Teacher Reflection
Sibme Coach Replay Episode 4 : Teaching Expectations
Sibme Coach Replay Episode 5: Implicit Bias Part 1
Sibme Coach Replay Episode 6: Implicit Bias – Part 2
Sibme Coach Replay EPISODE 7: Habits of Discussion
Sibme Coach Replay Episode 8: Coaching Veteran Teachers
Sibme Coach Replay Episode 09: Teacher Systems and Routines – Threshold
Sibme Coach Replay Episode 10: Supporting Psychological Safety
Sibme Coach Replay Episode 11: Attention Signal
The Sibme Coach Replay Show Episode 14- The ‘Do Now’ Routine
Sibme Coach Replay – Episode 15 |Cultural Responsiveness: Part 1
The Sibme Coach Replay|Episode 16: Cultural Responsiveness Part 2
Sibme Coach Replay Show Episode 17: Coaching Opportunities to Respond with Kellie Pittman
Sibme Coach Replay Episode 18: Mathematical Language Routines Part 1 with Amy Youngblood
Sibme Coach Replay | Episode 19: Classroom Transitions with Mindy Polansky
Sibme Coach Replay Show Episode 20: Mathematical Language Routines Part 2 with Amy Youngblood
The Sibme Coach Replay – Episode 21| Coaching on Engagement – Part 1 with Alice Shull
Sibme Coach Replay Episode 22: No Opt out
Sibme Coach Replay Episode 23: How Coaches Can “Sharpen their Saw” Part 1 of 3 with Allyson Burnett
Sibme Coach Replay Episode 24: Mathematical Language Routines with Amy Youngblood Part 3
Episode 25 Coaching on Engagement Series Part 2: Cold Call – TLAC with Alice Shull
Instructional Coaching Courses in the Sibme Learning Center
Instructional Coaching and Video
Every educator deserves a coach. This course explores models of instructional coaching and how video can enhance and even transform these instructional coaching models and empower those being coached.
Student teaching a critical part of the teacher preparation program as this is the time they begin to turn theory into practice. Video can create a more engaging, effective, and collaborative experience for all stakeholders.
This course examines the importance of self-reflection in professional learning and its impact on instruction, the differences in how we learn, essential elements for effective reflection & presents practical activities and resources you can use now.
New Teacher Induction and Video
Training is critical to a novice teacher’s success throughout their career. This course highlights research around the new teacher experience and critical components of successful induction and the role video can play in effective induction programs.
Instructional Coaching Blog Posts and Videos
3 Reasons In-person Observations Don’t Work
Classroom observations are an important part of the professional development process. As professionals, there is no better way for us to learn than by sharing and reflecting on our practice with trusted colleagues and mentors.
3 ways to identify teachers who are drowning
3 ways to identify teachers who are drowning –and the best way to rescue them. Lifeguards—the really good ones– have learned to scan the water to look for two things: swimmers whose behavior is so reckless it could endanger others and swimmers who are struggling and potentially about to drown.
4 Instructional Coaching Strategies–Harvard CEPR recommends video enhanced coaching
Learn four instructional coaching strategies from Harvard CEPR which are high-impact practices you can implement today to improve teaching fast.
4 reasons why instructional leaders avoid using video to grow teachers
Allyson Burnett explains why some instructional leaders avoid using video, and why using video for professional learning is actually important.
Does Instructional Coaching Have an Impact?
Sibme explores instructional coaching impact on teacher improvement in the Review of Educational Research.
Instructional Coaching Cycles: What’s the right Choice?
Know the pros and cons of four instructional coaching cycles for educators, and choose which one is the right cycle for you.
Instructional Coaching Strategies to Change the Conversation – Sibme Hap-E-Hour
Sibme hosted our first Hap-E-Hour with Kenny McKee and Cory Camp on Instructional Coaching strategies you can use to facilitate productive coaching conversations with teachers.
Instructional Coaching Strategies Using Video: 4 Keys to starting right
This infographic highlights 4 keys to success will help you get started instructional coaching using video
Instructional coaching that is Swift, Consistent, Strategic – and Virtual
I appreciate the value and power of personalized instructional coaching. My question? I wonder why, from the first signs of trouble, help wasn’t provided more swiftly, consistently, or strategically to the teacher.
Instructional Coaching Strategies need a good timeline to work. This step-by-step calendar will help you develop a meaningful process for coaching teachers.
Jim Knight Instructional Coaching Conference Takeaways: Video is Key
Jim Knight recognizes that Instructional Coaching with video is crucial to the success of any teacher’s professional development.
Jim Knight’s tips for getting out of the Zero Learning Zone
Those who dare to teach must never cease to learn. Jim knight has four tips in this post for escaping the Zero Learning Zone and making sure that you’re always on the path to continuous growth in the classroom!
Teachers: a strategy for getting students to calm down.
Principal/Coach Dan Smith explores one simple thing you can do to help students calm down during stressful times.
The Power and Possibilities for Using Video in Teacher Preparation
Dr. Stephanie Affinito, author of Literacy Coaching, discusses three models of instructional coaching using video for teacher preparation.
Virtual Coaching with Kelley Garris
Sibme Director of Virtual Coaching Allyson Burnett is joined by Virtual Coach Kelley Garris to explore why virtual instructional coaching is a high-impact way for schools and districts to improve instruction.
Teacher effectiveness is crucial to student success. Good teaching can be the greatest barrier to “great” teaching. All students deserve Great Teachers.
Why I Coach My “Future” Teachers with Video
3 Reasons Why I Coach My “Future” Teachers with Video After 30 years teaching in public schools, and another five as a national educational consultant traveling the country, I thought that my best teaching days were behind me. Not so.
From Start to Finish: How Instructional Coaches can use the Goal Gradient Hypothesis
Instructional Coaches work hard to help colleagues reach a goal in the classroom. Learn how to apply this one research-based technique to achieve success.
Coaching Teachers in Difficult Times…like DEVOLSON
DEVOLSON, or the Dark Evil Vortex of Late September October and November is just one of the difficult times for teachers. Learn how to coach through them.
Instructional Coaching Strategies: Collaborative Inquiry Cycles
Instructional Coaching Strategies are most effective when they focus on evidence of student learning, and not simply on the actions of coaches and teachers.
Impact Now Webinar 9 – “It’s About Time” for instructional coaching with video
Dr. Tonya Goree from Cypress-Fairbanks ISD teaches best practices for using video in instructional coaching for principals.
Alisa Simeral On-Demand Webinar
Get on-demand access to a special webinar with Alisa Simeral, author of “Teach, Reflect, Learn: Building Your Capacity for Success in the Classroom” and “Creating A Culture of Reflective Practice.” Learn how schools can become reflective institutions. The more reflective we are, the more effective we are!
Dr. Tonya Goree + Sibme – Recorded Webinar
We had the chance to interview Dr. Tonya Goree, 2015 Elementary Principal of the Year in Cypress-Fairbanks ISD (TX) on how she implemented a successful video-enhanced instructional coaching model at Francone Elementary, leading to significant gains on her campus during the 2015-16 school year.
How Coaches are Using Video to Affect Student Success
Get on demand access to this webinar featuring coaches from five campuses who have chosen to focus on improving teacher effectiveness to impact student success. Coaches using video offer schools an opportunity to focus on what really matters in classrooms and get to the heart of great teaching.
Impact Now: Instructional Coaching with Video Part 6
Dr. Tonya Goree discusses instructional coaching with video aids collaborative learning with peers and professional learning communities.
Literacy Coaching: Transforming Teaching and Learning with Digital Tools and Technology
Dr. Stephanie Affinito discusses how technology can impact practice and focus on virtual literacy coaching.
Sibme Notes: Instructional Coaching Conferences using Video
Dr. Tonya Goree discusses the importance of instructional coaching conferences.
Sibme Notes: Instructional Coaching feedback using video
Instructional Coaching feedback is crucial to an effective process for coaches and teachers. Award-winning principal Tonya Goree discusses the process.
Sibme Notes: Instructional Coaching Pre-Conferences using video
Review part-3 of our 9-part webinar series to see how a high-impact school leader sets up instructional coaching pre-conferences using video.
Teacher Self-Reflection and Motivating Growth: On Demand Webinar with DIY Coaching Boston
James Likis at DIY Coaching Boston discusses how he supports teams through the process of teacher self-reflection for growth and goal setting.
Jessica Johnson, Shira Leibowitz, and Kathy Perret discuss best practices for putting coaching at the center of your campus to improve school leadership.
A Quick Guide to Video Coaching
Get On-Demand access to a conversation with the authors of A Quick Guide to Video Coaching, Jim Thompson and Casey Kosiorek.
Instructional Coaching Podcast: Sibme Coach Replay Show
Sibme Coach Replay Episode 1: Making Every Minute Matter
Sibme’s first episode of Coach Replay! We’re really excited about this awesome new series (episodes drop Friday’s at 1:00 CST). Cory Camp hosts conversations and video breakdowns with outstanding #educoaches talking about coaching, teaching, and learning. This first one is with Literacy Guru, Dr. Stephanie Affinito!
Sibme Coach Replay Show Episode 2: Strong Starts and High Expectations
“Episode 2 of the Sibme Coach Replay Show features Sibme Coach and teacher, Melody Deemer!
Melody and Cory breakdown footage of a 5th Grade classroom and discuss high expectations, strong starts to lessons, and how coaches can support teachers in this area.”
Sibme Coach Replay Episode 3: Supporting Teacher Reflection
Episode 3 brings back Dr. Stephanie Affinito to talk about supporting teacher reflection! We love the ideas and 5 prompts for reflection Dr. Affinito shares!
Sibme Coach Replay Episode 4 : Teaching Expectations
In this episode, we welcome back Sibme coach, Melody Deemer, who shares with us her process and tips for teaching expectations in her own classroom.
Sibme Coach Replay Episode 5: Implicit Bias Part 1
In this episode, we dive into implicit bias and learn from Sibme Coach and Director for Digital Education and Innovation for Harris County Department of Education, Colina Poullard.
Sibme Coach Replay Episode 6: Implicit Bias – Part 2
In this episode we continue our conversation with Dr. Colina Poullard as she shares tips for having tough coaching conversations about implicit biases.
Sibme Coach Replay EPISODE 7: Habits of Discussion
Peer and group discussions are a powerful tools to stimulate learning. However, without a few ground rules for discourse, discussions can either get away from us or fall flat.
Sibme Coach Replay Episode 8: Coaching Veteran Teachers
Coaching veteran teachers is unique because of the levels of experience and autonomy they bring. In this episode, Cory and Dr. Stephanie Affinito share tips for working with experienced educators.
Sibme Coach Replay Episode 09: Teacher Systems and Routines – Threshold
How students enter the classroom matters. In this episode, Coach Kellie Pitman shares her take on a model video of a classroom entry routine and breaks down Threshold from a Teach Like a Champion.
Sibme Coach Replay Episode 10: Supporting Psychological Safety
Coaching can be a challenging job but Melody Deemer believes that being coached may be harder. Join Cory and Melody as they talk about psychological safety and activities that support coachees.
Sibme Coach Replay Episode 11: Attention Signal
What is the most important procedure a teacher can have? Kellie believes it is the teacher’s attention signal. This week we bring back Kellie Pitman to view classroom footage and share with us the essential components of attention signals, how to teach them, and questions for reflecting on or coaching attention signals. Don’t forget to download your own copy of Kellie’s episode takeaways from the link in the comments below after the show!
Sibme Coach Replay Episode 12: Coaching Teachers in Difficult Times
Are you feeling the drag of the end of the semester? Are your teachers? We are in the thick of DEVOLSON which is actually a pretty common phenomenon many educators experience this time of year. In this episode, T.J. Hoffman, Sibme’s COO and experienced coach, shares just what DEVOLSON is and how it should influence how we support our teachers at this time of year. Be sure to check out TJ’s takeaways linked in the comments after the show.
“Digital tools and technologies can support our coaching in the same way it can transform learning for students. And in today’s world, there is an app or technology tool for just about everything. In fact, there are so many apps and tools that it can become quite overwhelming to know what to choose and what to try.
In this episode, Dr. Stephanie Affinito joins us again to share her golden rule for using technology in coaching and a few of her favorite coaching tools!”
The Sibme Coach Replay Show Episode 14- The ‘Do Now’ Routine
A great lesson starts with the Do Now activity. This bell ringer/warm-up activity not only support classroom management but primes students for learning. In this episode, Coach Kellie Pitman returns to breakdown the essential elements of the Do Now activity and observe a high school teacher just getting started implementing Do Now into their routine.
Sibme Coach Replay – Episode 15 |Cultural Responsiveness: Part 1
Are you a culturally responsive educator? Are the educators you support practicing cultural responsiveness? Sibme Coach Replay welcomes back Dr. Colina Poullard for a two-part discussion on Cultural Responsiveness. In part 1 Colina teaches us what cultural responsiveness is and why it is important. And join us next week for part 2 where Colina dives deeper into this topic and shares how we can coach cultural responsiveness.
The Sibme Coach Replay|Episode 16: Cultural Responsiveness Part 2
How do you COACH cultural responsiveness? In this episode Colina dives deeper into this topic and shares how we can coach cultural responsiveness and help teachers make changes in their classrooms.
Sibme Coach Replay Show Episode 17: Coaching Opportunities to Respond with Kellie Pittman
Do you have a teacher struggling with student engagement? Increasing the rate of opportunities for student response stimulates learning, provides important feedback for teachers, and increases on-task behavior. In the episode, featured coach, Kellie Pittman, discusses how we can coach teachers working on increasing opportunities for students to respond and shares a few of her favorite tools and resources.
Sibme Coach Replay Episode 18: Mathematical Language Routines Part 1 with Amy Youngblood
If you are a math coach or teacher, you don’t want to miss this episode with Sibme Coach and mathspert, Amy Youngblood! Amy will introduce us to Math Language Routines, or MLRs, which are meant to support students’ mathematics language development. In this episode Amy will also break down and share an example of MLR #2 Collect and Display.
Sibme Coach Replay | Episode 19: Classroom Transitions with Mindy Polansky
What could YOU do with an extra 45 hours of instruction per year without the need to lengthen the school day? “How?” you ask? It’s not magic, its all about tightening up routines and procedures which can grant up to 15 minutes more instructional time per day. Add that up over the school year and you have made an additional 45 hours. It’s that simple, folks. Where do you start? One of the main culprits of lost instructional time can be attributed to transitions–those periods between instructional activities. Our guest coach, Mindy Polansky has some great strategies for making transitions more efficient.
Sibme Coach Replay Show Episode 20: Mathematical Language Routines Part 2 with Amy Youngblood
Math people! Get excited for another episode with Sibme Coach Amy Youngblood! In episode 18, Amy joined us to tell us about the 8 Mathematics Languages Routines (MLRs) and breakdown an example of Number Talks– a method for Collect and Display, MLR #2. In this week’s episode, Amy will showcase MLR #3 Critique, Correct, and Clarify.
The Sibme Coach Replay – Episode 21| Coaching on Engagement – Part 1 with Alice Shull
We all know that student engagement is key for learning to take place. However it can be hard for teachers to make it a consistent priority under the pressure of all the curriculum content they must “cover”. Sibme Coach, Alice Shull, has been passionate about supporting educators in the area of student engagement in her 42 years as a teacher, mentor and principal. In this episode, the first of a four-part series on Coaching on Engagement with Alice, she shares specific strategies that enhance student engagement.
Sibme Coach Replay Episode 22: No Opt out
In learning, it is appropriate for our students, and even teachers, to not always know the correct answer; in fact, it should be expected especially when teaching new content. But how do we support students through not knowing but still hold them accountable to trying? This episode’s special guest is Sibme Coach Mindy Polansky who shares the No Opt-Out technique from Teach Like a Champion. Mindy will walk us through a video example of a teacher with the opportunity to use this technique as she communicates to her students that it is okay not to know the answer but it is not okay to not try.
Sibme Coach Replay Episode 23: How Coaches Can “Sharpen their Saw” Part 1 of 3 with Allyson Burnett
Once we cross the threshold into the role of instructional coach, it can be difficult to find time and resources to continue to cultivate our own professional learning. In fact, many coaches never receive formal training on coaching before or after receiving the title of ‘coach’. This episode kicks off a 3 part series on how coaches can “sharpen their saw” with special guest and Sibme’s Virtual Coaching head honcho and Director of Virtual Learning, Allyson Burnett. Allyson and Cory will discuss some of their tried and true reflective practices and activities that keep them learning and refining their craft as coaches as well as some of their favorite resources on coaching.
Sibme Coach Replay Episode 24: Mathematical Language Routines with Amy Youngblood Part 3
This is the third episode in our series on Math Language Routines #MLRs with Amy Youngblood. In our last two episodes we explored MLRs 2 and 3 of the 8 routines. Today, Amy walks us through MLR 3 Stronger and Clearer Each Time and all of its benefits for helping students revise and strengthen their mathematical ideas.
Episode 25 Coaching on Engagement Series Part 2: Cold Call – TLAC with Alice Shull
In this episode, we continue our series for Coaching on Engagement with Alice Shull, an educator with 42 years of experience and one of our TOP Virtual Coaches. Alice shares a Teach like a Champion strategies called Cold Call with us as we look at video of a high school classroom.
Sibme Coach Replay – Note and Takeaways
Each of our Sibme Coach Replay episodes has an accompanying PDF download containing tips, guiding questions, resources, and key takeaways. Access all of them here!